
Notice to my regular readers,this site mirrors my previous ones with Geocities which I have had to abandon due to technical difficulties beyond my control,the information contained in this site will effectively bring happenings up to date via my new host for whom I thank for their support. | Weekly Log Page for 1/1 to 1/7 | Essay Page | Postings List | Mailbag | Contact Me
WINGS OVER WARWICKSHIRE Interesting aircraft movements and news for Aviation in Warwickshire
Notice to my regular readers,this site mirrors my previous ones with Geocities which I have had to abandon due to technical difficulties beyond my control,the information contained in this site will effectively bring happenings up to date via my new host for whom I thank for their support.

If I decide to keep a daily log, I'll create a new page like this one for each new day. I'll make sure to change the title and update the "most recent posting" link on the home page each time.

My First Topic

What will I write about on my weblog? A wide variety of things. There could be postings about my reactions to a movie or TV show I saw. I might weigh in with my opinion of a presidential election or a world event. Or I might recommend a restaurant I've gone to (if I do, I'll be sure to use the Web Gem feature to include a map to the place).

My Second Topic

Some of my postings will be more personal. I'll write about my job or my family, or describe a trip or vacation that I took. Where appropriate, I'll also include pictures and sound to help you get the "full experience."

Gondolas in Venice; Actual size=240 pixels wide

Here's a picture I took on a recent trip.

We hope to update this page often with new photos.

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